Cuba is full of cities big and small. For most guests of Cuba, chances are, you’ll never make it out to Baracoa – Cuba’s eastern most city.

The scenery shifts as you make your way across the country. As we made our way from Santiago de Cuba (Cuba’s second largest and most southern city) we went from a warm, humid, tropical city through the desert landscapes toward Guantanamo.

Passing through this province, we climbed up and down the narrow mountain roads by bus – a vehicle, which in reality, should never be on these roads. At the end of the route was Baracoa, a small sea side city.

Located in the most tropical region of the country, this area sees rain almost everyday, and has some of the warmest and must lush scenery anywhere in Cuba.

There are many things to do which in Baracoa, but the most famous is the local cocoa, or chocolate, production. Here cocoa plants are grown and turned into classic chocolate bars, but also used in cocoa butter and other skin based products.

Join us in this video as we give you a bit of history as we tour the oldest settlement in Cuba – Baracoa.

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